Product Details
Chocochip cookie
Quick Overview
We named this recipe “Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookies” because it’s got everything a cookie connoisseur possibly could ask for. With a texture that balances tender and crunchy, it’s a favorite recipe that’s been top-rated by hundreds of satisfied home cooks.
There are times when a store-bought or bakery cookie is fine, but homemade chocolate chip cookies are the right choice for lazy summer afternoons, unexpected snow days or that holiday party that just wouldn’t be the same without these beauties on the cookie tray. If there’s anything we’re willing to experiment with, it’s finding just the right kind of chocolate chip cookie that suits our tastes. After baking, testing and tasting over and over again, we landed on this recipe for the best chocolate chip cookies ever. If you’d like to amplify your cookie baking game with a little help from Betty Crocker's guide on how to make the best chocolate chip cookies ever. Even better, this recipe is reliable enough that you can use it as a base for a little experimentation—try different kinds of chips and nuts for easy flavor twists. You’ll find more creative ideas in this chocolate chip cookie recipe collection.
Review for Chocochip cookie

By arachni_name - May 16, 2020

By arachni_name - May 16, 2020

By arachni_name - May 16, 2020

By arachni_name - May 16, 2020

By arachni_name - May 16, 2020

By arachni_name - May 16, 2020

By arachni_name - May 16, 2020

By arachni_name) - May 16, 2020

By arachni_name - May 16, 2020

By arachni_name"'`-- - May 16, 2020

By arachni_name - May 16, 2020

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